A great sign of things to come?
Marvel First Family comes home
Marvel has made a big announcement, which may be indicative of greater things to come when (and if) the Fox + Marvel deal is finalised. Marvel...
FOX goes viral with a leak if you will, of the first family of Marvel video. And we have to say, it’s the weirdest home video...
20th Century Fox new site is up and has released new character descriptions of Marvel’s first family the Fantastic Four for the upcoming feature: REED RICHARDS...
More images of the Fantastic Four characters, including the king have surfaced online after 20th Century Fox revealed Jamie Bell as the Thing this week. Check...
Fantastic Four have upped the anti, amidst all the so-called ‘Controversy’, and released the official image of Benjamin Grimm aka The Thing, portrayed by actor Jamie...
Marvel’s very universe has always in chaos, within (Ultron, Secret Wars) and without (Sony’s Spider-Man, Marvel Studios V. Marvel Comics). But now it seems Marvel is...