It seems since the announcement of Universal’s Dark Universe was announced that the initiative has been plagued (get the reference) by issues. But it doesn’t get worse than when the spearhead comes completely detached. The supposed architects of the Dark Universe have left the project.
Alex Kurtzman and Chris Morgan, who were heavily involved in shaping the classic monsters in a Marvel-esque connected universe, have moved on to other projects. Kurtzman is focusing on his work with CBS All Access’ Star Trek: Discovery, while Morgan is still working with Universal on its Fast and Furious films.
Not to mention that the Rosetta stone of the universe, The Mummy didn’t do to well at the box office, there has also been legal issues re: branding.
The Bride of Frankenstein was the next film up and was set to star Angelina Jolie, but even that is up in the air as the film has been delayed and the actress may have left the project altogether. The film, however, is still in the works.
The follow-up revamps of Creature from the Black Lagoon, Dracula, Frankenstein, Hunchback of Notre Dame, Invisible Man and Phantom of the Opera have also been stalled.

And while everyone is aiming for a connected universe of characters and narratives, the microscopic detail also counts as much as any broad stroke on-running concept. But with the cornerstone film not doing too well and key figures abandoning shift, one may be in their rights to see the Dark Universe as a dying, imploding star.
“Or is that a unfair assumption? Hollywood films hit snags all the time. And there is a concerted effort to make ‘filmmaker-driven vehicles, each with their own distinct vision’ as Universal’s head Peter Cramer said. But what do you think? Tell us in the comment section + via Twitter @TheActionPixel“