Overwatch has understandably accumulated great success for Blizzard, fromt eh gaming front to the spin-off brand animation films. So it was no surprise that they had a graphic novel in the works to bring the shooter-based game to the comic spread. But alas fans, there seems to be bad news in that front; Blizzard has cancelled the Overwatch graphic novel project.
Overwatch: First Strike, the title of the graphic novel in its conception, will not be making it to our comic shelves sadly. Lead writer, Michael Chu, confirmed the project had been cancelled due to a change in creative direction for the Overwatch franchise.
Our hopeful guess Blizzard is probably aiming ‘bigger’ in the narrative game, they’d pretty much just have to string a longer form narrative to their prolific Overwatch animations to get a pretty decent animated series for the like of Netflix. And of course there is always the movie route.
But given the recent debut of Activision Blizzard’s Skylanders animated series on Netflix, our guess is they’re taking a more purposeful approach into broadening the Overwatch narrative world.
Overwatch game is currently available on PC, PlayStation 4, Xbox One