Smells like team spirit.
Rumours of Ben Affleck leaving (a teeter-tottering exercise of inconsistency) the Matt Reeves’ The Batman production.Ben Affleck’s role reprisal of the caped crusader on a whole...
The current job climate is a precarious one to say the least. You either don’t have enough experience, or you have too much experience. Yeah, there...
Women. They’re… they’re something else. They grow human beings. They bleed every month and it’s considered ‘normal’. Hell, if we men bled every 28 days I...
DC took time out of their busy schedule to do some self ego-stroking by listing the top 10 animated DC moments, and, as expected, a lot...
As a gamer there’s so much we enjoy about our down time. It’s the adrenaline rush of taking down a hard opponent after trial and era....
With the many riffs about Aquaman, you don’t have to wonder why Atlantis hates the surface world. Nevermind taking into consideration the pollution we human worms...
For all you gamers out there, when it comes to dominating noobs like a unrefined long-armed gorilla in the Serengeti of savagery and barbarism, there is...
When it comes to anime, representation has always been a bit of sore point. We are not just talking about the apparent fascination with blue-eyed blondes...
Vampires have always been a fascination in popular culture. “Dracula” and Transylvania is Romania’s only tourist attraction they are proud of (right?), and we can’t seem...