Trailer: Another Wednesday rolls around and we found it only right that you be annointed with another Pixel Play Let’s Play episode! Woo! Gaming! And...
Pixel Plays learns first hand the outcomes of war with 11-bit studio’s This War Of Mine: The Little Ones. Description reads: Just when we were hopped...
Trailer Pixel Plays marks off another day in the calendar with another let’s play, this time turning to turn-based (lots of T’s there [and here])...
We're gonna start a petition to ban the use of space mines in all quadrants
Because we always dream when we take LSD
Spoiler: You Died
Pixel Plays travels to a galaxy far, far away like scrolling text towards the infinite in LEGO Star Wars: The Force Awakens game. Description reads:...
In this Pixel Plays Let’s Play episode, we got our hands on the Resident Evil VII demo and explore what must be the worse BnB...
This week’s Pixel Plays has us trying to escape the horrors of Resident Evil VII: Biohazard. Hey CAPCOM any chance we can get a gun, or...
PIXEL PLAYS | “Nioh” Gameplay (Alpha Demo) TEASER The code of the samurai is something we live by here at TAP. So us getting...