LOTR series is costly. But is it made to last?
Shadow Of War looms heavy with the release of a gameplay trailer. And when there is a new ring at play, things get pretty intense when...
WB Games heralds the end of man in an epic trailer announcing our return to Middle Earth with Shadow Of War. Apparently being a jewellery is...
LEGO Dimensions unleashes its E3 trailer which honestly is how we imagine the world, one huge IP fun fest frenzy of awesome. Watch the LEGO Dimensions...
This list was hard to assemble, like mopey Avengers, or a jigsaw with all the pieces missing. There are actually a lot of good games...
LEGO Dimensions has a spanking new trailer out. They aren’t showing of the Doctor Who’s Who or Batman Vs. Batman, but this time we are getting...
Monolith has recently announce a DLC-pack with the Lord of the Hunt campaign for the Middle Earth: Shadow Of Mordor video game. This additional story now...