DC is going back to its Detective roots with the launch of a gaming app featuring puzzle adventure games and interactive narratives for children, with a...
It looks like Angry Birds has set in motion an exodus of mobile games to the big screen. After all, triple A games like Ubisoft’s Assassin’s...
With news of Nintendo venturing into mobile gaming and the subsequent announcement of the social app game Miitomo, it was clear the gaming giant was entering...
Remember the rage quit iOS game phenomenon that made millions in ads and had to be pulled from the App Store after squaring off with Nintendo...
Seems Marvel Future Fight is all about the cross-overs. So if you thought the game giving us a Groot Thor wasn’t wild enough, maybe you should...
If you didn’t spend all your uni-years drinking liquor during Fresher’s week through a suspect funnel and hose that looks like it was lifted from a...