From Software’s Dark Souls III is said to be a little weirder, a little faster and an aesthetic masterpiece according to Hidetaka Miyazaki, creator of the series and recent Bloodborne
Miyazaki says Dark Souls III will to be “faster” and “more intuitive” to play than its weighty predecessors.
As we all know, the difficulty levels of Dark Souls current franchise have been particularly frustrating to complete as it is bloodily brutal. Something it certainly shares with Bloodborne.
From Software certainly captured the attention at E3 2015, and as things develop we hope to see even more of the gameplay.
At the moment it has the same air as Bloodborne and even Demon’s Souls, so hopefully more game release information will set it up as a unique addition to the Dark Souls franchise.
Check out the epic trailer in the player below:
Dark Souls III be out for Xbox One, PS4, and PC in early 2016