Does the Clown put a smile on your face, or has DC missed a significant punch line?
Did the second coming and reach-around satisfy our tingle?
Just say the word. Or a few about where this measures on the DCEU barometer.
Is Alita the gem amongst the trash?
Is DC's Aquatic Adventure a flotsam or a post-iceberg titanic?
It seems like Solo: A Star Wars Story was the last blandest straw that broke the Bantha’s back, as Disney’s plethora of planned Star Wars spin-off...
Lucasfilm has fallen into the Disney streamline and is beginning to churn out intergalactic narratives from far far away at closer and closer time intervals. Now...
This is it. All things converge at this pivotal moment. Ten years of film-after-film churned out by Marvel Studios brings us to the point where the...
It has been a while since a filmic Lara Croft has graced our screens with the sex appeal of archaeology (my top guess at a phrase...
John Boyega takes up the mantle from Idris Elba as the frontman of the second instalment in the Pacific Rim series – Legendary Pictures + Universal’s...