Nintendo’s move to the future with their coming NX console will pretty much still be based on old hard copy tech, as it has been revealed after long speculation that the upcoming console will not be digital-only.
GameStop CEO Paul Raines spoke on the news in an investor earnings call last month of Nintendo’s console:
It will have physical media, we will play a role in it, our pre-owned business will also play a role
So will the hard copy tech be discs? Or cartridges, which latest rumours have been circulating based on part by the Nintendo’s NX patent’s inclusion of a “read/write card slot”?
We saw those rumors and so obviously we can’t comment on them. I don’t think we know anything about it anyway.
The only difference [between discs and cartridges] would be on the refurbishment and pre-owned side. And actually, cartridges are much simpler to refurbish and repackage. So there is somewhat a little bit of an advantage if it went in that direction
Sounds like cartridges is a big maybe.