Netflix seems to not be playing any games with anime fans as the streaming service has revealed the coming of a new live-action series based on...
Nintendo’s move to the future with their coming NX console will pretty much still be based on old hard copy tech, as it has been revealed...
Legend Of Zelda: Breath of the Wild is set to be the first Zelda game with voice acting, but Link will remain a silent protagonist. Producer...
Even before Nintendo E3 presentation, we knew its ace in the whole would surround the NX and the much fabled The Legend Of Zelda. An the...
Looks like Zelda focusing its efforts on an update come E3 2016 is because Nintendo has got plans for Link beyond the Wii U console Nintendo...
Nikkei, a Japanese newspaper published an article that stated the time for Nintendo Wii U is coming to an end. It reported Nintendo would stop production...
Despite Legend Of Zelda having been announced to make an appearance on our gaming shelves in late 2015, news came down from Nintendo that the slated...
Nintendo has made abig move in the mobile department making video games for Japanese mobile conglomerate DeNA, withe the next console codenamed NX. This move is...