Dying Light: The Following goes total ape in their latest trailer that for their enhanced edition, which promises weaponised vehicles and new maps, a virtual playground for the hunter and the hunted in 4v1 online matches.
Description reads:
Dying Light’s asymmetric PvP multiplayer mode Be the Zombie returns in Dying Light: The Following to unveil a new dimension of 4v1 online matches. As showcased in the trailer, the competitive gameplay gets much more dynamic and violent with the addition of weaponized buggies and the new map, allowing players to come up with completely new tactics for both survivors and the Night Hunter. Additionally, the Night Hunter has undergone a series of balance tweaks, which translates into a new experience that will surprise even veteran Be the Zombie players.
See the Dying Light: The Following | Be the Zombie: The Showdown Trailer in the player below:
Dying Light: The Following Enhanced Edition is out February 9th 2016