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Michael B. Jordan in talks to star in Blood Brothers



blood brothers. michael b Jordan. dark horse comics. the action pixel. @theactionpixel

michael b. Jordan as the human torch / johnny storm in fantastic four. the action pixel. @thectionpixel . marvel. 20th century foxFantastic Four star Michael B. Jordan is re-entering the comic book film arena, this time in talks in starring in an adaptation of Blood Brothers, the Mike Gagerman and Andrew Waller’s Dark Horse Comics series.

blood brothers. michael b Jordan. dark horse comics. the action pixel. @theactionpixelSo Michael Jordan may have been on fire for a lot of Fantastic Four, but he may want to stay away from the flames in this comic film, and stick to sharpening the fangs.

The official description of the comic reads:

Nick and Tree have seen everything together; they’ve smoked opium with Genghis Khan, had orgies in Michelangelo’s studio, even fronted a death metal band in the seventies. But after a millennium of friendship, these inseparable, immortal buddies are on the verge of going their separate ways. Terrible timing, as an apocalypse-obsessed vampire villain is plotting an end to humanity, and Nick and Tree are the only ones standing in his way. Can they put their baggage aside long enough to save the world?


Dark Horse bought the series back in 2013, and then Andrew Waller spoke on the idea of Blood Brothers:

Our goal with Blood Brothers was to create a comic with the feel of a classic buddy action comedy, like Lethal Weapon or Rush Hour, but with two vampires as the heroes. It’s really a story about two regular guys, who just happen to be vampires. They’ve treated the last millennium like a thousand-year bender, but now find themselves having to save humanity just to keep the party going.

But I am sure the fanboys that decried Jordan early on won’t be up in arms if he get’s this role, right?

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