Tom Hardy has shown interest in playing one of Marvel’s Knights, the Punisher.
This comes after the whole DC Comics’ Suicide Squad debacle where Hardy dropped out due to prior filming engagements, and subsequently being replaced by Joel Kinnaman for Rick Flagg. But recently he has shown interest in playing the bad-ass mob-dispenser.
As the story, goes Frank Castles had his family killed by the mob after they bore witness to a mob hit. Survived by Frank, he goes on a one-man crusade to shut down organised crime. Hard.
I want The Punisher… I want The Punisher, or Splinter Cell, I want something… I don’t know what I want.
So by that very quote, it would seem Tom Hardy doesn’t sound too sure and what he is exactly after. But the general direction seems to be for starring in a comic / gaming film.
Also the prospect of a Punisher film, or a crossover film where we can see Frank deal some pain to Daredevil and the Defenders is superb. Our petition would probably start with:
Dear Netflix,
As a paid subscriber, I demand…
The only recent Punisher film that did anything for me and the comic world was War Zone, directed by Lexi Alexander, but since then things have been quiet with Marvel’s Crusader. Hell they even shut down his comic series.
“So what do you guys think? Should Marvel make a cinema feature for the Punisher? Or should they give him the serialised Netflix Daredevil treatment? Do you think Hardy would be a good fit for Castle? Let us know what you think in the comment section.”