PC gamers into their shoot ’em ups are certainly familiar with APB: Reloaded, the free game published by Deep Silver, the company responsible for games like Dead Island and Saints Row. Now fans can get their gunfire-range on on the PS4 and Xbox One as APB: Reloaded makes the exodus to the gaming platforms.
In APB: Reloaded is set in the futuristic city called San Paro, where, pretty much like in Battlefield Hardline, you choose whether you want to be the law Enforcer or the Criminal. What follows are huge MMO-styled fights with matches that could host up to 50 players each side. The game is currently being co-developed by Reloaded Games and The Workshop Entertainment.
APB: Reloaded will still be free-to-play across the gaming platform, and you won’t need a Playstation Plus membership to access the game, but Xbox gamers will need an Xbox Live Gold membership to play the game though.
Since 2011, the PC game APB has acquired a stroppy fan base, just north of 5 million gamers. Realtime Worlds, who developed APB went bust and Reloaded Productions acquired the game and have scheduled to re-release it as APB: Reloaded. No official video or images have been released of the console edition yet, but it is sure to be a nice addition to the free games on Xbox One and Playstation 4.
APB: Reloaded is set to launch on the Playstation 4 and Xbox One in June 2015