Sony Pictures et al. bring the world deeper into the futuristic dystopian world of Blade Runner 2049 with the first International TV spot for the coming...
Fear not Nintendo Switchers. WB Games has unveiled a teaser trailer for the impending descent of Lego Worlds on to Nintendo’s newest console. Description reads: Warner...
WB Games released a new trailer featuring the Agoniser voiced by Kumail Nanjiana. Let the fear and hilarity ensue. Description reads: Kumail Nanjiani portrays fear in...
While David Ayer made his most recent mark on the DCEU with directing Suicide Squad, it seems Suicide Squad 2 isn’t in the cards. Hence people...
Following the release of their teaser poster, Warner Bros. Pictures + DC Comics lay it on the line with their exclusive SDCC trailer for Justice League....
Heroes are once again united in a teaser poster. This time is DC Comics and Warner Bros. Pictures Justice League and Batman surrounds himself with heroes...
Starfire may often be a self-contain bubbly cauldron of happiness and human-defined awkwardness and naivety, but her stepping into the Injustice 2 arena, she’s a taut...
A new image of Batman, The Flash and Wonder Woman has surfaced from the coming DC Comics + Warner Bros. Pictures’ film Justice League. The image...
Wonder Woman arguably is the greatest comic character in existence. Once any character leaves the comic pages and becomes ingrained in the zeitgeist as a representation...
Following up their tease, WB Games unleash the announce trailer for Lego Marvel Superheroes 2, and the Marvelverse shows up big time from classic Ego to...