Marvel released a character trailer for their new mobile game MARVEL Avengers Academy, which features a rather charming Thor, a smug Tony Stark (as one...
D23 has been showing the collective might of Disney, this time the Captain America: Civil War trailer has been screened at the event. It begins with...
Marvel recently released another batch of Ant-Man posters. He’s not dodging bullets this time around, but Lang’s somewhat piggy-backing on the success of The Avengers in...
From the duo that brought us Ultimate Comics Spider-Man (featuring Miles Morales), All-New X-Men, and Guardians of the Galaxy, Brian Bendis and David Marquez set out...
Tony Stark wants to recreate the world in his image. So he puts everyone in armor. Can you think of anyone so egotistical than that? But...
Daniel Bruhl has been slated to portray Baron Zemo in the coming Marvel feature Captain America: Civil War. The German actor risked the Marvel gulag to...
Marvel’s released an epic group poster for Age Of Ultron, but obviously the amassed chaos is not nearly befitting the true scope of Marvel’s ragtag group...
Iron Man aka Tony Stark doesn’t seem to be making friends in Captain America 3: Civil War or in the coming Avengers: Age Of Ultron. Going...
Hot Toys have given us an insight into the coming of The Avengers: Age of Ultron by releasing an replica collectible of Iron Man Mark XLIII...
Of course we know about the whole hacking scandal that has rocked Sony Entertainment recently, with 5 + feature films released into the public domain before...