The Shield of Rosaria is about to have his resolve put under considerable test and strain as Final Fantasy XVI rises in the new “Ascension” trailer....
Cloud, look, up in the sky!
Destination: Midgar
Fantasy come true
And the forecast brings more Cloud come June
Tekken 7 may have brought out the big guns with Street Fighter’s Akuma bringing dark Hado energy to the game, but that didn’t stop Bandai Namco...
Square Enix has taken to the interweb to reveal a key visual teasing the Final Fantasy VII remake, and, as if a wink to the unnaturally...
We are pretty sure that Final Fantasy fans have all been getting stuck in to the new FFXV game. But for those that may be a...
Square Enix has released the teaser trailer for Final Fantasy XIV: Stormblood and duel of duos is brewing. Wathc the Final Fantasy XIV: Stormblood teaser trailer...
Because we always dream when we take LSD