A legend rests
At The Game Awards 2017, Platinum Games made a special announcement via a small teaser. They are spearheading the third instalment in the Bayonetta franchise. The...
News came from Nintendo of Bayonetta making it in the battle arena in Super Smash Bros. Now the reveal trailer has officially been released. Description reads:...
Creator Masahiro Sakurai made a rather bewitching announcement today during a Nintendo Direct presentation about what Super Smash Bros fans can expect in the final DLC....
It’s been said that Nintendo makes games for children. I remember loving Nintendo when I was a young lad, and the truth is; I still love...
If the LCD, seizure-triggering lightshow that is the Bayonetta 2 game isn’t enough for you this gaming season, maybe this Anime will peak your interest. Bayonetta:...