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“Justice League: Warworld” whisks Batman, Superman and Wonder Woman to unfamiliar timelines in new trailer

Three vastly different worlds will test the mettle of the DC trinity



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justice league, war world, justice league: warworld, justice league dc, superman, batman, wonder woman, jonah hex, the action pixel, featured

Behold an entire world at war. DC Comics’ upcoming animation feature Justice League: Warworld – presents worlds lost to space and time. And earth’s greatest heroes – the trinity of the Justice League find themselves stranded in timelines befitting their characters, but nevertheless, strewn with dangers and turmoil.

Description reads:

Until now, the Justice League has been a loose association of superpowered individuals. But when they are swept away to War World, a place of unending brutal gladiatorial combat, Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman and the others must somehow unite to form an unbeatable resistance able to lead an entire planet to freedom.

Watch the trailer in the player below:

Rated R and Jonah Hex makes a cameo. These are most certainly pluses. But what do you guys think?

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