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Netflix’s “Cowboy Bebop” get ready for the Mexican shootout in new poster

3,2,1! Let’s Jam!



cowboy bebop, entertainment on tap, netflix, anime series, live-action netflix series, netflix, jet black,faye valentine, spike, featured,

The dynamic trio from the upcoming Netflix live-action anime adaptation of Cowboy Bebop has released a new poster, and they are surely ready to take on the world, one bounty at a time. And you know it’s trouble on the horizon when you have the classic high-noon Mexican stand-off poses with your guns already drawn.

Who better to have in your corner than Jet, Spike and Faye.

Check it out:

cowboy bebop, entertainment on tap, netflix, anime series, live-action netflix series, netflix, jet black,faye valentine, spike, featured,

Cowboy Bebop is slated for release on Netflix come November 19, 2021

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