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“Spider-Man: Far From Home” official trailer gets released

The snap tore a whole in our dimension? Or the multitude of snaps?



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After the harrowing events of Avengers: Endgame, Marvel + Sony return for the second synergy movie – Spider-Man: Far From Home – showing off a spanking new official trailer. And given the events of Avengers: Endgame, if you haven’t yet watch it, you may want to avoid this trailer as it does have a bit of a spoiler.

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“Sorry Spidey, there will be no ghosting of Nick Fury here.”

Hell, when we heard that Spider-Man: Far From Home was after the events of Endgame, it was pretty much a spoiler in and of itself then.




Watch the official trailer for Spider-Man: Far From Home in the player below:

Some big Iron boots to fill, there. But with them shades on, he’s already channelling the Stark.

And it looks like dimension-hopping once more.

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Marvel’sSpider-Man: Far From Home is slated for cinematic release come July 5, 2019

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