HBO’s Watchmen series is well underway as casting has been announced. And none too shabby if we do say so ourselves. Announced is The Leftovers‘ actor Regina King who is set to be the main lead in the series. Actor Don Johnson, Tim Blake Nelson, Louis Gossett Jr., Adelaide Clemens, and Andrew Howard will all appear in the series.
The exact details of their characters are being kept under wraps. Director Damon Lindelof on Tuesday posted a letter to fans in which he laid out his vision for the series, which he said will not be a re-telling of the story from the original graphic novel, but rather a new story in the same world with new characters set in the present day:
Some of the characters will be unknown. New faces. New masks to cover them. We also intend to revisit the past century of Costumed Adventuring through a surprising yet familiar set of eyes…and it is here we will be taking our greatest risks.
More as things develop.

What you guys think? Is this a good move. Well the heraldry and themes that made Watchmen translate well in this new undertaking of the narrative? Tell us in the comment section + via Twitter @TheActionPixel and on Facebook