Warner Bros. Animation has some news for ThunderCats fans. The prolific animated series hailing from the 1980’s is set to return to our screens. I hear the 80s babies celebrating. But read on why don’t you.
The revival of the 1985 animated series however comes back under a new title – ThunderCats Roar. Good with that? Sure. Now remember Teen Titans? Awesome series. No think Teen Titans Go!. The downgraded animated series using more cartoon-y, less frame-by-frame rendering? Yes, well ThunderCats Roar is getting the same treatment.
We have an image:
No, better — video:
Coming soon to Cartoon Network. Our guess’s a time/cost issue. Operative word – profit ‘cost’. As awesome as animation is, it is time-consuming to create, even with dedicated teams. And this would likely still to be 100 x easier to produce than the intricate backgrounds and animated sequences donned in the 1980s film, or even in the latest Thundercat series in 2011. Second season, where art though?
But sorry, you really can’t portray Mumm-Ra in this style of animation. Like, come on guys. The guy gave me lucid nightmares. Got to put some respect on the dude’s name.
Thundercats Roar is slated to aire on Cartoon Network come 2019
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