Wolverine’s return has been an unsolved mystery—until this April, when writer Charles Soule and artist David Marquez reveal the timeline of events that’ll lead to Logan’s shocking return with The Hunt For Wolverine: Alpha #1!

The 40-page issue, featuring a cover by Steve McNiven, begins the twisted tale of Logan’s reemergence. Then, this May, the story evolves into four different tales from different creative teams, each one containing its own distinct genre and mystery: action/adventure (Adamantium Agenda), horror (Claws of the Killer), dark romance (Mystery in Madripoor) and noir/detective (Weapon Lost.) And it’s all being orchestrated by the man that crafted the “Death of Wolverine” in the first place.
Soule recalls, “Steve McNiven and I took on the incredible task of killing Wolverine back in 2014—it was one of my earliest projects at Marvel, and such a huge opportunity. Intimidating, tricky, all of that—but ultimately, I think we created a book (alongside [inker] Jay Leisten, [colorist] Justin Ponsor and [letterer] Chris Eliopolous) that we’re all really proud of.” He continues, “There’s really only one project that could top it—being part of the story that brings Logan back! The Hunt For Wolverine is just the opening chapters of a mystery that will reach all sorts of cool hidden corners of the Marvel Universe, and will tell a story that will hopefully have us looking at Logan in an entirely new way.”
“I’m really looking forward to seeing how fans start to put the pieces together,” says the scribe. “There’s a big payoff coming down the road, and all the interlocking parts of The Hunt For Wolverine build to it. The more you read, the more clues you get. It’s really fun—especially since I have a bit of a reputation in X-continuity for knocking off beloved mutants. This time, it’s nice to be part of bringing someone back!”
The Hunt For Wolverine: Alpha #1 begins an epic story that will impact Marvel heroes and X-Men alike—and it culminates this summer in one of the most shocking, daring stories in Wolverine’s history! The journey—and the mystery—begins here, and you’re not going to want to miss your chance to take part in Wolverine’s return.
Writer Charles Soule and artist David Marquez’s The Hunt For Wolverine: Alpha #1 unfolds this April!