With the mediocre reception of DC Comics’ Justice League has seemed to energise WB to invest their time in their most well-received casting in recent times – Margot Robbie and Harley Quinn.
Aside from David Ayer’s DC-fem fest Gotham City Sirens and the adult animated series for Harley Quinn (that apparently is also looking for Robbie to be involved, it seems a separate solo film based on Harley Quinn is in the works. Robbie unveiled the news via an interview with MTV, but noted that this particular spin-off was separate from the “girl-gang” film being spearheaded by Suicide Squad‘s David Ayer.
As to when we’ll be seeing the little minx on screen, that’s anyone’s guess. Even Margot Robbie’s:
I, honestly, don’t think anyone knows what’s going to be the next thing to happen, but I think everyone’s keen to get Harley back on screen. So everyone is working on lots of different versions of what that could be.
There was talk of a 2019 release date a few months back for the next Harley Quinn-central film, so we suspect there would be a lead up to that in 2018 if things are on track.
More as things develop.