Sony seems all about the Spiderverse, and is looking to make use of the 900+ characters it has the rights to use owning film rights to Marvel characters spawning from the Spider-Man franchise.
Of course, we know of the coming joint film with Marvel – Spider-Man Homecoming, as well as Venom, that is set to feature Carnage. Not to mention the Miles Morales Spider-Man animation, Black Cat and Silver Sable. Now it has come to light that Sony is also in the process of creating movies based on prolific Spidey nemeses Kraven The Hunter and Mysterio.

Mysterio, typically the alter ego of Quentin Beck, was a bit of a special effects illusionist that used his skill learned in a dead end job in the film industry in his villainy.

Kraven the Hunter (Jason Momoa should undoubtedly be cast for this) is the half-brother of Dmitri Smerdyakov, better known as the Chameleon. Kraven has been retconned quite a bit over the years. But essentially he is a big game hunter who eventually gets his rocks off hunting the world’s greatest game – a spider. Man. Who is Spider-Man.
Now I’m sure the above descriptions don’t leave much to the imagination, but that may be a good thing. Will they be treating these films like Disney did Hero 6 or GoTG? Building these characters from the ground up with more riveting back story anchored in modern issues like that of game hunting and the sweatshop tactics across the animation and VFX fields? Who knows.
These characters impact was mainly felt in the comics via their relationship to Spider-Man. So one has to question whether they’ll have a great appeal in solo films. And while one would think this news would be a lead up to the much fabled Sony Sinister 6 film, it seems news has that project shelved.
More news as things develop.