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Megatron robot guise is revealed for “Transformers: The Last Knight”



megatron, transformers, the last knight, paramount pictures, decepticons, autobots, the action pixel, entertainment on tap

megatron, transformers, the last knight, paramount pictures, decepticons, autobots, the action pixel, entertainment on tapAfter showing off the Autobots for the coming Transformers: The Last Knight film, with the likes of Hot Rod, Drift, Crosshairs and Hound, Paramount + Michael Bay reveals turn evil with the release the look of the leader of the Decepticons, Megatron. A bit modded and as the social media writ put it, “All he wants is everything”.

Fair enough.

Check it out:
megatron, transformers,transformers, The last knight, entertainment on tap, the action pixel

Transformers: The Last Knight is set for cinematic release come June 23rd 2017


Blogger, comic book and anime fan. FPS addict. All very convenient. Known to do storyboards and motion graphics when he's really busy.

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