It was looking like it’d be a damp squib of an E3 until Sony took the stage and delivered a stonking conference which really stood out compared to what had gone before. The Playstation Nation decided against developer interviews or even game introductions and just hit us with trailer after trailer after trailer all accented with a live orchestra. After the Ubisoft marathon it was much appreciated. Here are T.A.P’s highlights.
God of War
Release Date – TBC
Kratos is back and rather than being badder than ever, he seems to have matured into a more rounded character which is something the series sorely needed. This time around, having emptied the Greek pantheon, he’s turning his murderous attention to Norse mythology and has his son in tow adding an emotiona foundation to proceedings. Expect a much more in-depth story from the reboot of God Of War as well as the traditional helping of fury driven rampage.
Horizon: Zero Dawn
Release Date – 28th February 2017
Arguably Playstation’s biggest new IP, ‘Horizon: Zero Dawn’ was sadly delayed until 2017. Sony kept our appetites wet with this new gameplay trailer and frankly it was mission accomplished as we cannot wait to play this game at T.A.P HQ. Here’s hoping it’ll be the first of many as there seems to be so much of this new world to explore.
Detroit: Become Human
Release date – TBC
The latest game from Quantic Dream (they of ‘Fahrenheit’ and ‘Heavy Rain’ fame) got another showing at this year’s E3 with a very tense hostage negotiation scene. We learned there’ll be diverging stories based on player choice and that there will be more than one protagonist. The world of ‘Detroit’ looks suitably fascinating fodder for David Cage’s team who’re a proven commodity when it comes to narrative gameplay.
Resident Evil 7
Release Date – 24th January 2017
One of the bigger surprises at the conference, what we all thought was P.T. esque VR demo turned out to be a look into a brand new Resident Evil game. Now, we all know that the Resident Evil series hasn’t had a good time of it since ‘Resi 4’ so here’s hoping that this game, fully playable in VR by the way, brings the series back to it’s once lofty heights.
Day’s Gone
Release Date – TBC
One of the very best new IPs on display at E3, the long quiet Sony Bend finally revealed what they’ve been working on all this time and it looks like an intriguing zombie survival action game. Now, on first glance the trailer it does look like it has shades of ‘The Last of Us’ and that’s a pretty big shadow to be under…but the gameplay demo which ended the conference shows ‘Day’s Gone’ to be a different beast. Check it out for yourself below.
Star Wars: Battlefront – X-wing VR mission
Release Date – TBC
As part of the VR section of Sony’s conference this tasty gem was revealed and it looks like a very tempting prospect indeed. It’s a very small experience rather than a full game but just having the chance to jump into the cockpit of an X-wing with full VR is worth the headset alone. Ok… that might be a bit of an exaggeration but suffice to say we’re excited.
Call Of Duty: Infinite Warfare
Release Date – 4th November 2016
When this game was first announced it barely made a ripple among core gamers. Oh look, here comes another COD and oooo this time it’s set in space. Well, we’re ready to eat our words cause this gameplay trailer completely changed out mind. The aesthetics of the world, the manic energy of the firefights and the sheer fun looking combat all point to a high-point in the Call of Duty timeline. Fingers crossed that ‘Infintie Warfare’ can deliver.
Release Date – TBC
From the team that brought you ‘Ratchet and Clank’ and ‘Sunset Overdrive’ comes a BRAND NEW SPIDERMAN GAME. Sony fans should be excited cause this Playstation exclusive is in the hands of a tried and tested developer who knows how to make fun games. After Batman stole the show with the Arkham series, isn’t it time for Spidey to get a look in with his own modern interpretation.
Death Stranding
Release Date – TBC sometime in the very far future
Newly minted Sony employee Hideo Kojima took the stage at E3 with a proud and defiant ‘I’m Back’ which was greeted with rapturous applause. Now, ofcourse he never really went anywhere and it’s old news that after his acrimonious break up with Konami he’s been hired to work on a Playstation exclusive game. Well, we got a glimpse at that game at E3 and despite the hard to pronounce/harder to remember title it looks suitably weird enough to be a Kojima game. Oh, and it stars Norman Reedus renewing the partnership that started with the ground-breaking P.T. Now, who’s got Del Toro’s number?
That’s it for Sony’s conference. For more news about what’s coming out of E3, keep it locked to The Action Pixel.