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“Star Wars Battlefront” ‘Outer Rim’ DLC brings new characters, maps and weapons



greedo. nien nunb. star wars battlefront. ea. dice. the action pixel. @theactionpixel

greedo. nien nunb. star wars  battlefront. ea. dice. the action pixel. @theactionpixel

EA comes out with news regarding more Star Wars Battlefront DLC. This time its the upcoming “Outer Rim” DLC which teases iconic Star Wars characters Greedo (the guy Hans shot [presumably in self defence [[the jury is still out on that one]]]) and Nien Nunb (Lando’s co-pilot of the Millenium Falcon in Return Of The Jedi) will be playable.

Outer Rim will contain three new maps: the industrial factories of Sullust, Jabba’s throne room, and a sail barge garage on Tatooine.

Furthermore, Outer Rim will bring about a new mode called Extraction; Rebel forces must haul a valuable shipment of resources while the Empire is tasked with stopping them from reaching the extraction point.

The expansion will also add new weaponry such as the Relby V-10 rifle, DT-12 blaster pistol, Scatter Gun, Dioxis Grenade, and Adrenaline Stim Star Cards.

The DLC is due out later this month.

Watch our PIXEL PLAY Let’s Play Star Wars Battlefront episodes!:
Battle Of Hoth
Battle Of Sullust

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