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“The Simpsons” LA-Z Rider Couch Gag



homer couch gag la-z rider. the action pixel. fox. @theactionpixel

homer couch gag la-z rider. the action pixel. fox. @theactionpixelhomer couch gag la-z rider. the action pixel. fox. @theactionpixel

Say what you want about the 80’s , but this was th era where people pushed things to the limit. It pretty much invented fast cars, an insane amount of drugs and the most awesome, cheesiest, cop-undercover-vice shows you’ll ever need to see in 3 lifetimes.

homer couch gag la-z rider. the action pixel. fox. @theactionpixel

Simpsons get it. And they managed to compact all that 80’s nostalgia into one couch gag.

homer couch gag la-z rider. the action pixel. fox. @theactionpixel

Now we dare you not to be impress and hum along to the synth-laden ballsy soundtrack. And we are certainly sure the Grand Theft Auto: Vice City gaming fans will get a kick out of seeing Ned Flanders’ character.

Check out The Simpsons LA-Z Rider Couch Gag from “Teenage Mutant Milk-Caused Hurdles”:


Long-live the 80’s.