We had a chance to test the Zombie Army Trilogy before it came out on the PS4 / Xbox One, and it was a hoot. But for avid fans of this kind of game, the zombie hordes understandably can get a little bit on the repetitive side.
So it’s no wonder that Rebellion upped the ante by bringing the surviving cast of that survival horror game Left 4 Dead and put them against Zombie Army‘s brand of undead. Nazi Zombies. The worst kind.But hey if you had an opportunity to kill Hitler, this is your chance to back up your talk.
All eight survivors hailing from Valve’s infamous Left 4 Dead franchise all feature in Zombie Army’s update: Francis, Bill, Zoey and Louis from 2009’s Left 4 Dead, as well as Coach, Nick, Rochelle and Ellis from 2010’s Left 4 Dead 2. That doubles the amount of playable characters in Zombie Army Trilogy, and allows players to pair a Left 4 Dead survivor with, say, Karl Fairburne of the Sniper Elite series.
Description reads:
The entire cast of Left 4 Dead 1 & 2 have been zapped back to World War 2 in this FREE update for Zombie Army Trilogy on Steam!
Check out the Official Steam Update Trailer to see Left 4 Dead take on Zombie Army Trilogy:
The Left 4 Dead / Zombie Army Trilogy Update is now available on Steam