Treyarch has released the spanking new trailer for the Zombie mode of Call Of Duty: Black Ops 3 and it’s a mean mamma-jamma.
Shadows of Evil does well to take us away from sci-fi infused Zombie and COD titles of recent years and immerses us in a unique world of Lucky Luciano suits, vegas-type dancers and smooth noir-styled hardmen of the 40s.
Description reads:
From the team behind the original Call of Duty Zombies, Treyarch returns with an all-new, mind-bending tale of the undead. Jeff Goldblum, Heather Graham, Neal McDonough, and Ron Perlman star in “Shadows of Evil,” an adventurously new survival co-op experience only available in Call of Duty: Black Ops 3. Set in the 1940’s, four unwitting characters are brought together under mysterious circumstances. Unravel the secrets and explore a massive world in the deepest Zombies experience to date.
Treyarch released the trailer at SDCC, and have dubbed the project “the deepest Zombies experience to date”.
Let’s see what the trailer says:
Black Ops III: Shadow of Evil narrative is set in the 1940’s chocked as usual with celebrity vocal acts including Jeff Goldblum, Heather Grahan, Neal McDonough, Ron Perlman and Robert Picado, the film-noir narrative follows four unwitting characters who are tasked with uncovering secrets and challenges set out for them by the mysterious Shadow Man.
Call Of Duty: Black Ops III Zombies “Shadow of Evil” launches on Xbox One, Xbox 360, Playstation 3, Playstation 4 and PC come November 6th 2015
“What do you guys think? Did treyarch do us gamers a solid at least moving the Zombie mode from the post apocalyptic sci-fi hum-drum of recent COD Zombie games? What era would you have loved to see? Let us know your thoughts in the comment section, bucko.”