So in Overwatch you may be aware you can do away with your enemy in one specific way.
But with Bastion, well, you have some options to play around with. Battle your enemy as a robot. Not your thing? No worries. You can also transform into a gun turret or tank.
The Reconfigure skill lets Bastion transform between mobile assault unit and stationary gun turret. While mobile, he carries a submachine gun. When switching to turret duty, he instead packs a gattling gun and forward-facing shield. His Ultimate offers a few seconds of tank fun, complete with long-range cannon.
By your gasps I suspect this is to your liking. It’s hardly fair. But, alas, this is war.
Description reads:
Bastion’s combat programming takes control in this unedited match from an early version of Overwatch, captured in 60fps on PC. Here, Bastion plays on the attacking team in King’s Row, a Point Capture/Payload hybrid map situated in the heart of England.