October seems like the month for it. TWD Season 5 TV eps. will be hitting our screens on October. And there’s been a whole lot that’s been circulating around the net. You know, how we’ll be scared witless, how the first episode is too gruesome for television. We’ll be the judge of that. So while we wait for the savages at Terminus to start the Russian 1921 cannibal-eating contest, it should be of interest to know that the full, award-winning Telltale Games will be coming to new gaming consoles.
This is epically good, especially for those that don’t have the internet, an iPad or any other form mobile or portable device. And if you happen to be one of these three sad, sad creatures on the face of the planet, fear not! The releases will include Season1 and Season 2. The Telltale Games have been a unique gaming experience, done in the vein of Mass Effect. And this particular style of gameplay, that uses players decision to shape the flow of the game’s narrative arc, has bolstered the themes innate to the TWD brand. Decisions and consequences. Good intentions. These pave the way to hell. Bad decisions just get you there expeditiously faster. We can always use another fix of Lee and Clementine, a name I will use if I ever have a daughter.
So while you gorge on the horror promised by the television series in Season 5, eating your old Halloween candy and getting into the festive season of men putting on masks and women dressing up like a slutty [put costume choice here], be sure to get a hold of the game and make snap decisions that damns everyone around you. As long as you survive. You’re zombieland-ready already.