There are those odd moments in GTA V where you get killed by random act of a pixelly god. Its one of those things that make...
Conspiracies. They are the stuff of the internet’s underbelly. Stuff to make you think “that’s absurd”. To those other theories that have you preying to God...
Grand Theft Auto V did us a solid and made public the new trailer for the nex-gen systems Xbox One and PS4. And of course with...
Grand Theft Auto V hi-def changes with the re-release of the title on nex gen systems have added to the quality gameplay Rockstar has been reknowned...
The age ol’ argument of violence and video game and any correlation is one we have all heard. And with VR exploding onto the gaming scenes,...
Good news for GTA V fanatics! A brand new GTA V gameplay is to be released November 18, 2014 on Playstation 4 and Xbox One. PC...