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The Date is set. “Death Stranding” announce their release date with new trailer

November is gonna be a lit month for gaming



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Following the many cryptic trailers, gameplay and delays, Hideo Kojima’s teased Death Stranding slowly steps into the land of the concrete with their confirming of the release date via, albeit, another enigmatic trailer.

death stranding, guillermo del toro, mads mikkelsen, the action pixel, entertainment on tap, trailer, hideo kojima, the game awards,

And for the record, where else would you get Mads Mikkelson singing you a lullaby? Where I ask!?

Well, this November, your sure to get an earful and then some.

Watch the Death Stranding release date trailer in the player below:

Welcome to America. AKA Jack Shit.

death stranding, guillermo del toro, mads mikkelsen, the action pixel, entertainment on tap, trailer, hideo kojima, the game awards,death stranding release date, featured,

Death Stranding is slated for release on Playstation come November 8, 2019

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