In a pairing that may be the most perfect thing since sliced bread and sliced cheese, it’s being reported that the infamous WWE personality John Cena will be portraying the manliest man ever in a video game movie – Duke Nukem.
We can most certainly then expect some heavy ‘90-esque one-liners, as it is a popular schtick with the popular video game.
But with a manly man… man, the misogynist non-PC stuff may be bigger an issue to resolve for producers, according to producer Andrew Form:
Having a misogynistic guy in today’s world, how do you make that fun and lovable and at the same time he’s got to be an incredible badass?
Good question, Andrew. But I’m sure you’ll figure two things out. Can’t please everyone. And the video-game film curse is still triumphant. But we sure Cena will be a perfect fit. Plus the producer claims as well that the film will be in the vein ofDeadpool. So that also could be considered a good thing.
There is no other news as of yet and a script has not been penned for that matter. But with Cena already pegged it may be a good start as the producers flesh out a crew and supporting cast.