A tense soundtrack adds the backing to a growing intense gameplay trailer for the forthcoming Bethesda Softworks’ game The Evil Within 2. And even though this hellish otherworldly dimension seems to defy all logic and physics, time is still not as fluid as one would hope, because when it’s up, Sebastian may lose even more than just his daughter. We shudder at the thought.
Description reads:
Time is not on your side in The Evil Within 2.
As Sebastian Castellanos, you will face unimaginable terrors as you fight to find your daughter within the nightmare of STEM and get her out safely before the entire system crumbles around you. On top of the hideous creatures that roam the streets, you’ll also have to contend with the likes of Stefano and Theodore – twisted individuals who have made their horrific homes inside of STEM and are warping the weakened world to suit their wills. Should the world be completely destroyed, there won’t be any escape for Sebastian or Lily.
Watch The Evil Within 2 “Race Against Time” gameplay trailer in the player below:
“I’ll keep coming back until one of us is dead”. Now that’s Dad of the year right there.
The Evil Within 2 is slated for release on Playstation 4, Xbox One and PC come October 13th 2017