Star Wars Battlefront 2 looks to open up an often overlooked element of the Star Wars universe- the Empire. Often thought of a singular entity of mass terror, it seems Star Wars Battlefront is going beyond this simple characterisation, looking more into the cogs and wheels and the characters that make up the Empire. And seeing that the game could very well influence future canon, this game could potentially spur on and influence other games and movies themselves.
Watch the Star Wars Battlefront 2 “Behind the Story” trailer in the player below:
Pre-ordering the game will get you early access to the beta with the Elite Trooper Deluxe Edition.Which means you can get to:
* Access to play *Star Wars* **Battlefront II on November 14—a 3-day head start
* Upgraded versions of all 4 trooper classes (Officer, Assault, Heavy, and Specialist)
* 4 epic ability upgrades—one for each trooper class
* Instant weapon unlocks and weapon modifications for each trooper class
* Exclusive Kylo Ren- and Rey-themed looks, inspired by *Star Wars™* **: *The Last Jedi™*
* Epic ability modifiers for Kylo Ren and Rey
* An epic ability modifier for the Millennium Falcon
Star Wars Battlefront 2 is slated for release on Playstation 4, Xbox One and PC come November 17th 2017