The stakes are high seas in the recent cinematic trailer released by the Ubisoft camp for a title called Skull And Bones. And before you go screaming Illuminati ( we did that for you already), it’s a title that happens in the age where booty means something entirely unsexy. Well, if you’re not a materialistic sort. But you’ll probably be a true gold digger in the age of Piracy.
And from a guy who’s read up on the history of Pirates in places like Jamaica’s Port Royal, female pirates tend to be the most ruthless. As seen in this here trailer.
Description reads:
Sail the high seas of Skull and Bones, an online naval open world game set during the Golden Age of Piracy in the exotic and untamed frontier of the Indian Ocean.
It is the Golden Age of Piracy. Renegade captains command the most powerful weapons on Earth: warships. You are a pirate captain who has refused the king’s pardon and sailed from the Caribbean to the Indian Ocean, an untamed frontier full of lavish riches. However, these waters are also a battleground where far-reaching colonial empires, powerful trading corporations, and ruthless pirate gangs clash. In order to survive, you will have to build a lethal fleet, prey upon lucrative trade routes, and ally with other pirates in your endless struggle for supremacy.
Watch the trailer in the player below:
Slowest yet awesomest chase we’ve seen in a while. But it could use more scurvy.