Ninja Theory has been downright laying the foreplay down heavy with Hellblade Senua’s Sacrifice. the technology behind the coming project has been impressive to say the least, and it seems now we have a release date.
The developers of DmC: Devil May Cry and Enslaved is set to release the epic psychological horror / Viking game Hellblade: Senua’s Sacrifice this year come 8th August.
And fans should be rejoicing. The main takeaway is that Senua Sacrifice seems more of a musing, a creative concept rather than a full fledged game. And while it is said to be “half the size of a AAA game”, it won’t cost as much as one.
Product development ninja (this is not me making up the guy’s title…. it is his actual title, I shit you not) Dominic Matthews explains:
Our aim is to bring back the mid-size game, so Hellblade is half the size of a AAA game, but sold at half the price. By going digital only we can assure that we keep costs low for you, plus more of your money comes directly back to us to reinvest in new games,” Matthews explained. “If we can make Hellblade a success, others will follow to make games a richer, more varied place for both gamers and developers
Watch the Hellblade: Senua’s Sacrifice Ragnarok Trailer in the player below:
Hellblade: Senua’s Sacrifice is coming to PS4 and PC on August 8th 2017