Of course, if your antennas were switched on like Anderson, you’d have gotten wind of the announcement of Judge Dredd getting a new high-profile TV series.

And whilst we were happy to see Judge Dredd gracing our screens in the near future once again in the form of Mega-City One, we couldn’t help but feel slightly robbed of a Karl Urban- Dredd movie sequel.
But news hit the proverbial fan that actor Karl Urban may very well reprise his role as the fascist po-po in the 2000 AD dystopian comic book TV series. Karl Urban starred in the latest Dredd film back in 2012, which frankly hit all the earmarks Stallone grazed in the prior film adaption of the comic.
The information comes from the producer Brian Jenkins, who spoke on Urban’s return to the franchise was not a far-fetched possibility:
We have had many conversations prior to this, about all sorts of things. He’s also very busy, a full-time professional actor. So we’re going to have some long and complicated conversations I would imagine, and we’ll see where we go. It’s too early to tell yet, but if we can use him and he’s available to us, then I think that would be absolutely brilliant. There’s always a possibility he will be busy, or that his schedule for other movies won’t allow. Basically, we don’t know at this stage.
Here’s to keeping our fingers crossed.