Much crazier things have made their way through crowdfunding successfully. But we have to admit that even this gave us slight pause.
Apocalypse Now, the quintessential 1979 cult classic film that helped embody the savagery and mundanity of the Vietnam War, has taken to Kickstarter for a film to video game adaptation.
The Kickstarter comes from famed director Francis Ford Coppola, who is seeking the help of backers in order to fund the project’s $900,000 minimum goal.
If successful, the game will be directed by Montgomery Markland (producer of Wasteland 2), produced by Lawerence Liberty, and written by Rob Auten (known for Gears of War: Judgement).
The Kickstarter page also boasts that creators, designers, directors, writers, and producers that aided in the production of games like Fallout New Vegas, Pillars of Eternity, The Witcher, Neverwinter Nights 2, Torment: Tides of Numenera, Everquest, PlanetSide, Star Wars Galaxies, DC Universe Online and then some.
Markland is also notable for leading two extremely successful Kickstarter campaigns prior to this, the aforementioned Wasteland 2 and Torment: Tides of Numenera with InXile.
With all that said, will this be adding to the cinematic milieu, an extension of the classic film. Or is this just an IP name slapped on to what is being described as an “immersive, psychedelic horror RPG”

Apocalypse Now, granted it gets the dineros, is set to release sometime in October 2020.
Check out the Kickstarter too. At the writing of this post they have amassed 790+ backers with the sum of just under $31,000. The minimal goal for the campaign is $900,000.
“What say you? Hyped for a Vietnam War based role-playing game? Is all the heavyweights attached to the game enough to sedate any inner conflicts and put your mind at ease? Let’s hear it in the comment section”