Injustice 2 may be landing like a Superman hero-landing, chest out and arms crossed and all, but a poll put out by Ed Boon, the top dude at NetherRealm Studios- the makers of Injustice 2- has fans reeling from the possibilities.
The question is simple, but far reaching:
Pretty much how we learned characters like Leatherface were going to be on MKX.

Now, as you know, Watchmen is a graphic novel that’s pretty much part of the ‘must-read’ staple of the comic book from prolific writer Alan Moore and art by Dave Gibbons published back in 1986. The book features characters like Rorschach, Nite Owl, The Comedian, Ozymandias and Silk Spectre. But surely the big daddy who potential could undo Superman in a number of ways has to be Doctor Manhattan, who’s pretty much god with a blue penis.
But overall we can image these prolific characters going toe-toe with DC’s vets. Rorschach v Batman, Doctor Manhattan v Superman, The Comedian v Joker (they’d get along fine), the match-ups would be endless
“So would you guys want to see ‘Watchmen’ journey there way into ‘Injustice 2’ gameplay? Let’s hear your comments in the comment section below”