Gun Media’s Kickstarter for the Friday The 13th: The Game has hit its Kickstarter goal and Jason Voorhees 1-man onslaught of sheer terror is sure to follow.
Friday the 13th: The Game developers are set to bring the 1v7 multiplayer game to life and if you thought that some how binge watching the horror classic back in the day some how dissentisised you to gratuitous violence and bloodletting, here’s a Clockwork-Orange montage, with a bit of ‘greatest hits’ and MK fatalities aura added in, of Jason kills. Spoiler: Jason kills.
Description reads:
A small selection of kills designed by legendary SFX designer Tom Savini in the upcoming Friday the 13th: The Game coming to Xbox One, PS4 and PC!
Watch the Friday the 13th: The Game XIII PAX West 2016 Trailer in the player below: