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“Call of Duty: Black Ops III” Descent DLC Pack: Empire Preview Video



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call of duty, black ops 3, descent, empire, call of duty, empire, preview, playstation, xbox one, the action pixel, entertainment on tapCall Of Duty: Black Ops III releases a preview video for a rather plush arena that will be a lovely backdrop to all the pwning, death and mayhem via Descent DLC: Empire.

Description reads:

A reimagining of the fan-favorite Raid from Call of Duty®: Black Ops II, Empire is set in the heart of an authentic Roman villa recreated by a modern-day eccentric billionaire. Relive the glory days in a fresh environment enhanced by the Black Ops III chained movement system.

The Descent DLC Pack includes four new multiplayer maps — Berserk, Cryogen, Rumble, and Empire — and Gorod Krovi, Treyarch’s all-new mind-bending Black Ops III Zombies experience.

Watch the Call of Duty: Black Ops III “Descent” DLC Pack: Empire Preview Video in the player below:


Call of Duty: Black Ops III “Descent” is available first on PlayStation®4 on July 12, 2016


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