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“Batman V Superman” deleted scene shows new mystery character



batman v superman deleted scene dawn of justice. dc comics. steppenwolf. the action pixel. @theactionpixel. entertainment on tap

batman v superman deleted scene dawn of justice. dc comics. steppenwolf. the action pixel. @theactionpixel. entertainment on tap
Warner Bros. is surely basking in their Easter resurrection story with box office success at $242 million worldwide, aiming for an ambitious billion overall. And they released a deleted scene from the Batman V Superman film, which had parallels with the deleted scene of the Avengers Age Of Ultron , but this scene pretty much raises more questions than it answers.

The scene features a forceful looking baddy on the Krytponian ship (hologram?) which teases Apokolips even more now. But it doesn’t seem to be Darkseid… but possibly Steppenwolf, the leader of Darkseid’s Army

Check out the deleted scene and decide for yourself who this could possibly be:

“What you guys think? A truncated piece from a truncated film makes not well for a full cinematic experience? What do you think this scene means for the DCU future? let’s here it in the comment section or via Twitter @TheActionPixel