Director Lexi Alexander took to twitter to show off Arrow‘s version of Lady Cop and we have to say, totally badass.
Alexander, who directed Punisher: War Zone, is set to direct an episode of the coming Arrow Season 4 series, and shared with her followers the look of the new Lady Cop as portrayed by Rutina Wesley:
Liza Warner, aka Lady Cop in the comics was portrayed as white / blonde girl who, when in college, witnessed her roommate get killed by a mysterious “Killer-In-Boots”. This ordeal made her join the police force and she takes out many baddies with an oath to find her roommates killer in the process.
In Arrow, she’s a part of the task force against vigilantism, and being in the newly renamed Star City, you can imagine she and her task force is about to get their skills stretched and tested.
We could of course talk about the militarisation of the police and how that usually is never a good idea, but that’s an essay on to itself.

Arrow returns Wednesday, 8 p.m. ET on The CW come October 7th 2015