As if in unison with the recent statement made by Michael B. Jordan on his role as The Human Torch in Fantastic 4 feature and addressing all the fanboy hate, the theme in Fantastic 4‘s recent trailer had one resounding message: “we are stronger together than we are apart”
The trailer, short and sweet, teases the quads’ powers and is looking more and more promising.
Check out trailer #2 for Fantastic 4 in the player below:
Description for Fantastic Four (2015) reads:
A contemporary re-imagining of Marvel’s original and longest-running superhero team, centers on four young outsiders who teleport to an alternate and dangerous universe, which alters their physical form in shocking ways. Their lives irrevocably upended, the team must learn to harness their daunting new abilities and work together to save Earth from a former friend turned enemy.
The cast includes Miles Teller as Mr. Fantastic, Michael B. Jordan as Johnny Storm, Kate Mara as Sue Storm, Jamie Bell as Benjamin Grimm, Toby Kebbell as DOOM.
20th Century Fox + Marvel’s Fantastic Four is set for cinema release come August 7th 2015